This is the opening scene is from the movie Apocalypse Now. This scene shows how to artfully use dissolve cuts to make an elegant scene. The scene first starts a fade into a seemingly peaceful scene of trees. Slowly the music begins to kick in with the sound of helicopter blades (a helicopter flies in front of the shot to further solidify this assumption) in the background and a green mist growing within the shot. The scenery then begins to change suddenly and begins to fill with explosions, this shows audiences the true chaos of war and how destructive it can be. The camera then begins to slowly pan to the right as the smog and smoke begins to thicken, this increase in smoke helps create a very effective transition for a dissolved transition of a man, presumably apart of the war that is commencing, having flashbacks of what he had seen during battle. After this first dissolve cut , most of the scenes that follow are d...
This transformation was inspired by Demons in movies, tv shows, and even video games. I wanted to go for a horror theme with the editing and the sound effects used in the first scene. For the makeup in the task, I used my sisters help to create large black holes around my eyes. This was done to make my face seem unusual than how it usually is, this was done due to a scientific study that has shown that beings that look like humans but don't share the same traits (e.g normal eyes, face, etc) create fear more easily. The horns are DIY create with paper mache, I chose to create the horns since its a typical attribution of demons to have, but I've chosen to attach them in a different way (Resembling some of the figures above). I chose to use glitchy editing techniques as it used commonly in horror movies
Costume : The characters within the frame are all wearing either linen cloth or armour, this shows two things, first that the main characters are from a medieval era, most movies from a different genre or time zone would generally not use this style of dressing. Their costumes also show that they are prepared or preparing for physical conflict, something that is common in these kinds of movies. Lighting : The scene uses low key lighting, this creates an ominous and serious tone within the frame, the use of backlights along with the angle in which the shot was taken shows the viewers that something intimidating and dangerous is coming. Actors (Placement) : The actors within the frame are placed in a synchronised battle formation giving the viewers a feeling of coordination and a feeling of trust between the figures. The fact that they all have their weapons drawn and are looking directly towards the camera adds to the feeling that something intimidating and dangerous is coming. M...
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