Deutschland 83: case study blog tasks
Reviews and features
1) What positive aspects of Deutschland 83 are highlighted in the reviews?
2) What criticisms are made of the show?
3) Why did the Telegraph suggest that Deutschland 83 did the 'period' aspect of 'period drama' so well?
4) Find three 'below the line' comments from either of the Guardian articles. What did the audience think of Deutschland 83? Do you agree with the comments?
Interviews and behind-the-scenes video features
1) What does Jonas Nay say about growing up in a united Germany?
Jonas Nay says during the interview that during his young schooling years, they were taught about the cold war during history, but the classes were more focused on world war 2. Jonas also states that the idea of having west and east Germans are no longer present.
2) The Channel 4 News interview is conducted in German with English subtitles. How does this reflect Channel 4's remit as a public service broadcaster and their target audience? (Clue: revise your work on Channel 4 and Public Service Broadcasting here!)
Channel 4's remit to deliver high-quality, innovative, alternative content that challenges the status quo accurately represents what they have done with not only the broadcasting of Deutschland 83, but also how they are continuing to broadcast the interviews in German.
3) Interviewer Matt Frei asks about the current political situation in Germany. Why might this interest the Channel 4 News audience?
Behind the scenes clips
1) Why should audiences watch Deutschland 83 - what does the clip offer viewers?
The clip tells viewers that Deutschland 83 offers a wide variety of characters to the audience set in a time that is often neglected by the media. Not only this but the tv show accurately shows German history and aids the story and history with vivid and interesting sets and props.
2) Why is history an important aspect of the appeal of the show?
History and historical accuracy are important for the show as the show takes place in an internationally historical time, the historical background of the show can act as a point of interest for both old and young viewers.
3) What technical aspects are highlighted in the video?
Impressive camera work and interesting props and settings are said to the audience.
Making Of: Set Design
1) Why were the set design, costume and props so important for Deutschland 83?
Since Deutschland 83 is a historical drama, making sure that the audience believe that they are in 1983 is important; to make sure that the audience is immersed in the show props, set design and costume is important.
2) How historically accurate was the setting, costume and props?
Most of the sets, props, and costumes were very accurate, occasionally the creative directors would need to use their own intuition as some information about the sets were still classified.
3) Why were the props, costumes and music such a key audience pleasure for Deutschland 83?
A large majority of the audience for Deutschland 83 were brought up during the 80's these old songs, costumes and props often brought back memories for the audience and added nostalgia to the drama.
Textual analysis: trailer
1) The opening of the trailer uses sound and editing to draw the audience in. Explain why this is effective.
The opening music and editing makes the drama seem not only nostalgic but also quite exciting and dramatic; the use of synchronized editing with the audio also adds to the action and fastpaced feeling the rest of the trailer gives.
2) What audience pleasures are suggested by the trailer? Think about Uses & Gratifications theory (Blumler and Katz).
The trailer uses two audience pleasures, in particular, it uses personal relationship by making the main character seem interesting, along with this it uses diversion with the nostalgic elements within the trailer.
3) How does the trailer use action and enigma codes (Barthes) to encourage the audience to watch the show?
The trailer asks a lot of questions without physically asking any; it does this by adding shots that make the audience question whats going on, along with this the trailer adds small snippets of information of the main character without giving much about the plot.
4) Pick three shots/scenes from the trailer that capture the spy thriller sub-genre. Why might this appeal to an audience? Try and apply Neale's genre theory 'repetition and difference' (the original notes on genre theory are here).
Scene 1: Any scene with running.
Any of the scenes that include running are a trope of spy movies implying that the main character is running from authorities. This appeals to the audience as it is an action code that implies that action will soon follow
Scene 2: Split screen scenes 0:11 - 0:12
Not only does this scene show the words "Over the wall, Undercover" which implies that the main character will be hiding from authorities a spy, but the main character is wearing different clothes in the two shots, this adds to the feeling that the main character is hiding from authorities. This shows the audience that there will most likely be many intense close quarter scenes.
Scene 3: Lock Picking scene 0:21 - 0:22
This scene makes the main character seem as if he is trying to get in somewhere he isn't meant to be, this makes the audience seem like secrets will be uncovered.
5) Pick three examples of mise-en-scene from the trailer that capture the 1983 setting the confirm the sub-genre of period drama. Why might this appeal to an audience?
The main characters dressing when he is in Berlin is very reminiscent of fashion back in 1983 which helps promote nostalgia. The setting within the supermarket is also very reminiscent of how a supermarket looked like back in 1983. The old tv with a video of Ronald Reagan speaking also helps solidify the idea that the show is a period drama.
6) The trailer uses the song 'Two Tribes' by Frankie Goes To Hollywood. Why did the producers select this soundtrack for the trailer?
The song Two Tribes adds to the idea that the main character is playing two lives where he seems to be belonging to two tribes.
7) The only words heard in the trailer are in English. Why do you think the UK trailer avoided subtitles or German dialogue?
I believe the UK trailer avoided subtitles or German dialogue as the initial impression of the drama could have put off many possible viewers.
Production and industry context
Deutschland 83 was produced by German production company UFA Fiction and distributed internationally by FremantleMedia International. It was broadcast on RTL (Germany), SundanceTV (US) and Channel 4 (UK) as well as many other broadcasters around teh world.
1) Read this Freemantle Media press release on the worldwide success of Deutschland 83. How is the drama described by the distributor? Why was it considered such an international success?
2) Read this Freemantle Media press release on Deutschland 83 becoming Channel 4's highest rated foreign drama. What was the consolidated viewing figure for Episode 1 of Deutschland 83? What praise for Deutschland 83 is included in the press release?
3) How does the press release promote the Channel 4 'Walter Presents' collection of international TV drama?
Walter Presents
Watch this Channel 4 trailer for their Walter Presents international drama.
1) How does Channel 4 introduce 'Walter'?
Channel 4 introduces Walter as a tv critique that has dedicated his to only watching the best of the best of international tv and recommends those shows.
2) What audience are Channel 4 trying to appeal to with the 'Walter Presents' series?
Channel 4 is trying to appeal to more high brow tv show watchers.
3) How does the 'Walter Presents' series reflect the changing nature of television in the digital age?
Marketing and promotion
Look at the online Channel 4 press pack for Deutschland 83.
1) Read the programme information from the press pack. How does the programme information seek to interest a reader from the first paragraph?
The first paragraph talks very highly of Deustchland 83 and helps to create interest by mentioning historic dates and situations. Along with this the information also mentions different characteristics of the show to help attract an audience.
2) What does the programme information suggest the main strengths of the programme are?
The programme information uses the words "a gripping coming-of-age story and a suspenseful, fast-paced thriller" to help give the audience the idea that the strengths of the show are both the action and suspense that the show creates.
3) Read the press pack interview with writer Anna Winger. How did she use the historical context and real-life events to create a successful drama?
4) Anna Winger discusses the use of music. Why might the soundtrack attract an audience?
The sound track contains nostalgic music that would help attract an older audience.
International marketing
Look at these two different marketing campaigns - the UK DVD release (left) and the American Sundance TV advert (right).

1) How does the UK DVD cover communicate the sub-genre of the drama?
It uses mise-en-scene and on screen text to help communicate the sub-genre of the drama, e.g. the review at the bottom "a gripping cold war drama" helps communicate this idea
2) Analyse the mise-en-scene in the UK DVD cover. What does it communicate to the audience?
The DVD cover communicates the subgenre in multiple ways, one way is the walkman the main character uses, this helps position the drama is a period drama, along with this the words "Over the wall, undercover" helps show the audience that the drama is a spy drama and a period drama.
3) How does the American branding use font, colour and graphics to appeal to an audience?
The font and colour helps give the poster a vintage look that could attract both young and old audiences.
4) Why might the distributors Freemantle Media International have used different marketing campaigns in different countries?
The audience from the two countries may have different interests, while the British may like to look deeper into the poster and take a chance, the American audiences may prefer to have clear examples of action and suspense =.
1) What positive aspects of Deutschland 83 are highlighted in the reviews?
2) What criticisms are made of the show?
3) Why did the Telegraph suggest that Deutschland 83 did the 'period' aspect of 'period drama' so well?
4) Find three 'below the line' comments from either of the Guardian articles. What did the audience think of Deutschland 83? Do you agree with the comments?
Interviews and behind-the-scenes video features
1) What does Jonas Nay say about growing up in a united Germany?
Jonas Nay says during the interview that during his young schooling years, they were taught about the cold war during history, but the classes were more focused on world war 2. Jonas also states that the idea of having west and east Germans are no longer present.
2) The Channel 4 News interview is conducted in German with English subtitles. How does this reflect Channel 4's remit as a public service broadcaster and their target audience? (Clue: revise your work on Channel 4 and Public Service Broadcasting here!)
Channel 4's remit to deliver high-quality, innovative, alternative content that challenges the status quo accurately represents what they have done with not only the broadcasting of Deutschland 83, but also how they are continuing to broadcast the interviews in German.
3) Interviewer Matt Frei asks about the current political situation in Germany. Why might this interest the Channel 4 News audience?
Behind the scenes clips
1) Why should audiences watch Deutschland 83 - what does the clip offer viewers?
The clip tells viewers that Deutschland 83 offers a wide variety of characters to the audience set in a time that is often neglected by the media. Not only this but the tv show accurately shows German history and aids the story and history with vivid and interesting sets and props.
2) Why is history an important aspect of the appeal of the show?
History and historical accuracy are important for the show as the show takes place in an internationally historical time, the historical background of the show can act as a point of interest for both old and young viewers.
3) What technical aspects are highlighted in the video?
Impressive camera work and interesting props and settings are said to the audience.
Making Of: Set Design
1) Why were the set design, costume and props so important for Deutschland 83?
Since Deutschland 83 is a historical drama, making sure that the audience believe that they are in 1983 is important; to make sure that the audience is immersed in the show props, set design and costume is important.
2) How historically accurate was the setting, costume and props?
Most of the sets, props, and costumes were very accurate, occasionally the creative directors would need to use their own intuition as some information about the sets were still classified.
3) Why were the props, costumes and music such a key audience pleasure for Deutschland 83?
A large majority of the audience for Deutschland 83 were brought up during the 80's these old songs, costumes and props often brought back memories for the audience and added nostalgia to the drama.
Textual analysis: trailer
1) The opening of the trailer uses sound and editing to draw the audience in. Explain why this is effective.
The opening music and editing makes the drama seem not only nostalgic but also quite exciting and dramatic; the use of synchronized editing with the audio also adds to the action and fastpaced feeling the rest of the trailer gives.
2) What audience pleasures are suggested by the trailer? Think about Uses & Gratifications theory (Blumler and Katz).
The trailer uses two audience pleasures, in particular, it uses personal relationship by making the main character seem interesting, along with this it uses diversion with the nostalgic elements within the trailer.
3) How does the trailer use action and enigma codes (Barthes) to encourage the audience to watch the show?
The trailer asks a lot of questions without physically asking any; it does this by adding shots that make the audience question whats going on, along with this the trailer adds small snippets of information of the main character without giving much about the plot.
4) Pick three shots/scenes from the trailer that capture the spy thriller sub-genre. Why might this appeal to an audience? Try and apply Neale's genre theory 'repetition and difference' (the original notes on genre theory are here).
Scene 1: Any scene with running.
Any of the scenes that include running are a trope of spy movies implying that the main character is running from authorities. This appeals to the audience as it is an action code that implies that action will soon follow
Scene 2: Split screen scenes 0:11 - 0:12
Not only does this scene show the words "Over the wall, Undercover" which implies that the main character will be hiding from authorities a spy, but the main character is wearing different clothes in the two shots, this adds to the feeling that the main character is hiding from authorities. This shows the audience that there will most likely be many intense close quarter scenes.
Scene 3: Lock Picking scene 0:21 - 0:22
This scene makes the main character seem as if he is trying to get in somewhere he isn't meant to be, this makes the audience seem like secrets will be uncovered.
5) Pick three examples of mise-en-scene from the trailer that capture the 1983 setting the confirm the sub-genre of period drama. Why might this appeal to an audience?
The main characters dressing when he is in Berlin is very reminiscent of fashion back in 1983 which helps promote nostalgia. The setting within the supermarket is also very reminiscent of how a supermarket looked like back in 1983. The old tv with a video of Ronald Reagan speaking also helps solidify the idea that the show is a period drama.
6) The trailer uses the song 'Two Tribes' by Frankie Goes To Hollywood. Why did the producers select this soundtrack for the trailer?
The song Two Tribes adds to the idea that the main character is playing two lives where he seems to be belonging to two tribes.
7) The only words heard in the trailer are in English. Why do you think the UK trailer avoided subtitles or German dialogue?
I believe the UK trailer avoided subtitles or German dialogue as the initial impression of the drama could have put off many possible viewers.
Production and industry context
Deutschland 83 was produced by German production company UFA Fiction and distributed internationally by FremantleMedia International. It was broadcast on RTL (Germany), SundanceTV (US) and Channel 4 (UK) as well as many other broadcasters around teh world.
1) Read this Freemantle Media press release on the worldwide success of Deutschland 83. How is the drama described by the distributor? Why was it considered such an international success?
2) Read this Freemantle Media press release on Deutschland 83 becoming Channel 4's highest rated foreign drama. What was the consolidated viewing figure for Episode 1 of Deutschland 83? What praise for Deutschland 83 is included in the press release?
3) How does the press release promote the Channel 4 'Walter Presents' collection of international TV drama?
Walter Presents
Watch this Channel 4 trailer for their Walter Presents international drama.
1) How does Channel 4 introduce 'Walter'?
Channel 4 introduces Walter as a tv critique that has dedicated his to only watching the best of the best of international tv and recommends those shows.
2) What audience are Channel 4 trying to appeal to with the 'Walter Presents' series?
Channel 4 is trying to appeal to more high brow tv show watchers.
3) How does the 'Walter Presents' series reflect the changing nature of television in the digital age?
Marketing and promotion
Look at the online Channel 4 press pack for Deutschland 83.
1) Read the programme information from the press pack. How does the programme information seek to interest a reader from the first paragraph?
The first paragraph talks very highly of Deustchland 83 and helps to create interest by mentioning historic dates and situations. Along with this the information also mentions different characteristics of the show to help attract an audience.
2) What does the programme information suggest the main strengths of the programme are?
The programme information uses the words "a gripping coming-of-age story and a suspenseful, fast-paced thriller" to help give the audience the idea that the strengths of the show are both the action and suspense that the show creates.
3) Read the press pack interview with writer Anna Winger. How did she use the historical context and real-life events to create a successful drama?
4) Anna Winger discusses the use of music. Why might the soundtrack attract an audience?
The sound track contains nostalgic music that would help attract an older audience.
International marketing
Look at these two different marketing campaigns - the UK DVD release (left) and the American Sundance TV advert (right).

1) How does the UK DVD cover communicate the sub-genre of the drama?
It uses mise-en-scene and on screen text to help communicate the sub-genre of the drama, e.g. the review at the bottom "a gripping cold war drama" helps communicate this idea
2) Analyse the mise-en-scene in the UK DVD cover. What does it communicate to the audience?
The DVD cover communicates the subgenre in multiple ways, one way is the walkman the main character uses, this helps position the drama is a period drama, along with this the words "Over the wall, undercover" helps show the audience that the drama is a spy drama and a period drama.
The font and colour helps give the poster a vintage look that could attract both young and old audiences.
4) Why might the distributors Freemantle Media International have used different marketing campaigns in different countries?
The audience from the two countries may have different interests, while the British may like to look deeper into the poster and take a chance, the American audiences may prefer to have clear examples of action and suspense =.
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