
Showing posts from March, 2018

Deutschland 83: case study blog tasks

Reviews and features 1) What positive aspects of  Deutschland 83  are highlighted in the reviews? 2) What criticisms are made of the show? 3) Why did the Telegraph suggest that  Deutschland 83  did the 'period' aspect of 'period drama' so well? 4) Find three 'below the line' comments from either of the Guardian articles. What did the audience think of  Deutschland 83 ? Do you agree with the comments? Interviews and behind-the-scenes video features 1) What does Jonas Nay say about growing up in a united Germany?  Jonas Nay says during the interview that during his young schooling years, they were taught about the cold war during history, but the classes were more focused on world war 2. Jonas also states that the idea of having west and east Germans are no longer present. 2) The Channel 4 News interview is conducted in German with English subtitles. How does this reflect Channel 4's remit as a public service broadcaster and their target audience?...

Marxism & hegemony: blog tasks

1) Re-read the  Mail Online review of  Capital . Why does it suggest that  Capital  features a left-wing ideology? There are two reasons as to why the article suggests Capital features a left-wing ideology, the first reason is due to the fact that the sympathetic main characters are all POC and or immigrants, the second reason is that the main characters that aren't POC are relatively vile characters (except for the petunia and her grandson) or are clueless (the police officers) 2) Choose three quotes from the review that are particularly critical of  Capital  and paste them into your blogpost. Do you agree with the criticisms? Why? " But that concept went nowhere. The residents were bemused, but not scared" I agree with this point as the "We want what you have" plotline seemed at first to be the main narrative in capital; instead it seemed to be more of a subplot. " The last 20 minutes contained no plot. Whatever story there had ever...

Capital notes.

'oh so not real millionaires' - talks about millionaire through houses. Theoretically they are worth 2.5m to 2.75m if they sold the house. Stereotype of London being ominous urban city- audio supports. Also man in hood in the dark. Drone shot: shot of London about how people live in London - State of the nation (technical code). After marriage, husband doesn't look at wife and child, only looks at money, TV or Newspaper. Gender role of women: got married, first thing she did was to start cooking -  lower middle class as husband was solicitors clerk (C1 classification). Working Class: counting the money 'He didn't much like change' - racism. She also confused Indians and Pakistanis - but apologetic so she's sympathised with. Essentialised - they all look the same, don't look or know how to differentiate. Brother said, 'my duty as a muslim' - also talks about going to Syria All young ones have broad English accents and use Lon...

TV: Capital case study

Reviews and features 1) What positive points do the reviews pick out about  Capital ? Capital accurately represents London life Tackles social issues Well written story  Diverse cast  2) What criticisms are made - either of the TV drama or the original novel? The daily mail said that the show purposely makes the white people within in the show unlikeable characters  Due to the many storylines within capital, some of the storylines seem to be underdeveloped. 3) How does the TV drama change the time period and location for the story in comparison to the original novel? The novel was written in 2007, while the tv show was aired in 2015 4) In the Telegraph 'behind the scenes' article, what does the writer say about the London housing market? The Telegraph states that the average housing price for houses in London increased by £500,000 5) What references can you find in these reviews and features to the idea Capital is a 'state-of-the-na...