2049 Blade Runner Review
Review 1 : I do believe that the movie offers an amazing amount of eye candy for the audience but not in the typical form of extremely vibrant colours, but in more of a subtle epic form. I also agree with the fact that the movie does not follow the same typical fast action pacing that today's blockbusters follow and follows its own and correct pacing which helps the phenomenal story the movie provides. The two composers Benjamin Wallfisch and Hans Zimmer provide an almost angelic audio experience creating a masterpiece when paired with the stunning visuals. Review 2 This interview is very similar to the first interview, this is mainly due to the fact that the movie was so brilliant, and it is a shame that the movie did not do as well in the box office than it did. This interview again touches on the brilliance of the visual effects and the amazing scenery created within the movie. I do also agree with the second review when it described the movie as a lu...